What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a system of maintaining natural health in the body, allowing your body’s innate intelligence (the power of life inherent in all living things) to continually coordinate all functions, adapt and heal.
The nerve system (the brain, spinal cord and nerves) is the master control center of all processes in the body. The spine and skull protect the nerve communication pathways between the brain, spinal cord and body.
Physical, chemical and emotional stress cause sub-lux-ations (tension patterns) affecting spinal alignment, movement, posture and interference to the transmission of nerve energy throughout the body. Overtime this leads to breakdown in the structure and function of the spine and nerve system; leading to many causes of health problems, sickness and disease.
Chiropractors provide specific scientific adjustments to the spine, allowing the body to restore normal nerve system function and optimal health. Chiropractic enhances your ability to heal and experience a greater connection and expression of life.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
- Greater self-awareness between the body, mind, and spirit
- Reduces stress
- Improves nerve system function
- Improves body systems regulation (respiratory, digestive, endocrine, reproductive)
- Improves organ function (heart, lung, kidneys, sinuses, stomach)
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves joint mobility
- Improves postural alignment
- Better sleep, mental clarity and increased energy
- Improves pregnancy, pre- and post-natal wellness
- Strengthens the immune system
- Drug free and non invasive alternative to medical treatments and surgery
Common Cases We Help
We commonly see positive results with the following conditions: headaches, neck pain, back pain, sleep issues, vertigo, dizziness, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, fatigue, digestion problems, tingling and numbness, balance, poor posture, infertility and more.
Chiropractic saves lives! We see miracles in the office everyday! We’re honored to serve you.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Gentle, specific, scientific and done by hand. We relax the spine with warm-up movements, breathing, postural positioning and stretching. Every adjustment is uniquely designed and delivered, using a variety of chiropractic low force and structural techniques, helping guide your body to release stored tension patterns. You will leave feeling relaxed, revitalized, more clear and connected. Chiropractic adjustments clear subluxations, (blocked nerve energy) releasing the power of life within you, restoring health and vitality.
Upper Cervical
Focuses on removing interference in the upper part of the spine, where the brainstem is located. The brainstem controls every automatic function in the body, including regulation of pain, sleep cycles, digestion, blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and a multitude of other complex chemical processes. When the brain and body are able to communicate freely through the spine, the result is optimal health and performance.
We’re a family wellness practice. We believe your whole family deserves exceptional health through chiropractic care. It’s the best way to improve your family’s quality of life and well-being.
Children and Babies
Do kids need chiropractic care? Absolutely! Newborn babies often get the first subluxation through the birth process, which can be very traumatic on an infant’s spine. Many common health concerns such as colic, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, behavioral issues, allergic reactions, asthma and chronic infections are often due to subluxations (nerve system tension).
Adjustments are gentle, comfortable and extremely safe. Chiropractic is essential in helping to ensure proper brain development and strengthen the immune system, improving your childrens overall health. Dr. Gower has received advanced training from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association to deliver life changing care for families.
Pregnancy is one of the most important times to be under chiropractic care. Adjustments help to restore proper motion in the spine, balance the mother’s pelvis, and improve the overall function of the nervous system in the mom and baby. Dr. Gower is certified in Webster technique; a safe and effective protocol for supporting healthy pregnancy and often improves the labor and delivery experience.
Maintenance care for health longevity and enhanced quality of life. Improve posture, balance, strength and optimize performance with our vitalistic approach to optimal health.