BJ Palmer’s Revolutionary Tool in Chiropractic 

BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic and son of DD Palmer (inventor of chiropractic) ran the Palmer Chiropractic School and the world class BJ Palmer Clinic.  The Faraday Cage at the BJ Palmer Clinic was one a revolutionary scientific advancement, designed to block electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to maintain the accuracy of diagnostic procedures, ensuring the most precise results.

What is a Faraday Cage?

A Faraday Cage is an enclosure made of conductive material that shields its contents from external electric fields and electromagnetic radiation. Named after the scientist Michael Faraday, who invented it in 1836, the cage works by redistributing electric charges around its exterior, thereby neutralizing the effects of external electromagnetic forces inside the enclosure. This makes it an ideal environment for conducting sensitive experiments or procedures that could be affected by these external forces. 

The Role of the Faraday Cage in the BJ Palmer Clinic

Palmer recognized that these unseen EMF forces could potentially interfere with the accuracy of clinical findings and the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments. The Faraday Cage was implemented in his clinic, placing diagnostic equipment within it to ensure EMFs would not distort the readings or outcomes of his procedures. 

The Importance of Blocking EMFs

Today, we live in an era saturated with electromagnetic fields. From cell phones and Wi-Fi to power lines and household appliances, we are constantly surrounded by EMFs. While these technologies have undoubtedly improved our lives in many ways, there is growing concern about their potential impact on human health. Research has suggested that prolonged exposure to EMFs could lead to various health issues, ranging from sleep disturbances to more serious conditions like cancer.

In the context of chiropractic care, EMFs are particularly concerning because they can interfere with the body’s natural energy flow—what we refer to as Life Force in chiropractic philosophy. The human body is an intricate, interconnected system designed to be healthy and self-healing. However, when external forces like EMFs disrupt this system, they can interfere with the flow of Life Force, leading to dis-ease and potentially more severe health problems.

By using a Faraday Cage, Palmer was ahead of his time in recognizing the importance of creating a controlled environment, free from these disruptive forces. This not only ensured the accuracy of his clinical results but also protected his patients from potential harm caused by EMFs.

The Legacy of the Faraday Cage in Chiropractic

The use of the Faraday Cage in the BJ Palmer Clinic is a testament to the forward-thinking nature of chiropractic care. It highlights the importance of precision in diagnostics and treatment, as well as the need to protect the body’s natural healing processes from external interference. As we continue to explore the impact of EMFs on health, Palmer’s work serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding our bodies from these invisible forces.

As chiropractors, we recognize the body’s innate intelligence and Life Force are essential to healing. Adjustments remove interference from subluxations enhancing our body’s Life Force connection. By honoring BJ Palmer’s legacy and utilizing tools like the Faraday Cage, we can continue to protect and nurture the body’s innate healing abilities, ensuring the most precise and effective chiropractic care possible.


Restoring Balance and Function:
Chiropractic care focuses on aligning the spine, which houses the central nervous system. By ensuring the spine is properly aligned, we optimize the communication pathways between the brain and the rest of the body, allowing for improved function and overall balance.

Enhancing Overall Wellness:
Chiropractic allows your body to function at its best. Regular adjustments can improve sleep, reduce stress, boost the immune system, and enhance athletic performance.

Non-Invasive Approach: 

Chiropractic care is a non-surgical and non-invasive alternative to conventional treatments like medication or surgery.

Preventative Care:
By maintaining spinal health, we can help prevent issues before they arise, reducing the likelihood of chronic conditions and diseases developing over time. A personalized care plan is designed specifically to correct the problem.

Whole-Body Health:
Chiropractic principles recognize that the body is a complex, interconnected system. By addressing spinal misalignments, we’re not treating symptoms; we’re facilitating nerve system connection and overall well-being.

Supports Child Development:
Chiropractic care benefits children by ensuring their spine and nervous system develop properly.  Regular adjustments can help with issues like colic, sleep disturbances, ear infections, and support healthy growth and postural development. 

Promotes a Healthy Pregnancy:
For expecting mothers, chiropractic care can help manage pregnancy-related discomfort, optimize pelvic alignment, and even contribute to a smoother delivery process. It’s a safe, natural way to support both the mother and baby during pregnancy. 

Strengthens Family Wellness:
Chiropractic care promotes overall wellness for the entire family. From infants to seniors, regular adjustments can improve quality of life by enhancing mobility, boosting immunity, and reducing the likelihood of injuries.  Families that get adjusted together are more balanced, connected and stronger overall. 

Encourages Healthy Habits:
Family chiropractic care often includes guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits, fostering a culture of health and well-being to support your family.

Enhances Emotional Well-being:
Supports emotional well-being by reducing stress and nerve tension, allowing inner transformation A healthy spine and nerve system can positively influence mood, energy levels, and overall mental health.


Chiropractic is a philosophy built upon universal laws and principles of nature, which recognizes the intelligent design inherent in all life.   The human body expresses this intelligence of self-healing and interconnectedness.  In chiropractic, we see how proper structure of the human frame allows normal function of the body. 

1. Universal and Innate Intelligence: The Body’s Built-In Wisdom

At the heart of chiropractic philosophy is the belief in a Universal Intelligence that permeates the entire universe.  This intelligence is responsible for the order and harmony we observe in nature, from the movement of the planets to the changing seasons.  Within all living things, there is an Innate Intelligence—a unique expression of Universal Intelligence—that governs the body’s ability to heal and maintain itself.  It’s the body’s own way of knowing how to heal a cut, fight off a cold, or bounce back from stress.  Chiropractic care helps to ensure that your body’s Innate Intelligence can do its job without interference.  

2. Life Force: The Spark That Makes Us Alive

Life Force is the energy that animates matter and allows Intelligence to manifest within the body. The union of Intelligence, matter, and Life Force is what gives rise to organic life. The presence or absence of Life Force is what distinguishes life from death, highlighting the crucial role it plays in maintaining vitality. By focusing on the health of your spine and nervous system, chiropractic care helps maintain the flow of this vital energy, ensuring that you stay full of life and vitality. 

3. The Power of Wholeness

The human body is an intricate, complex system, and it is more than just a collection of individual parts. Think of your body like a well-tuned orchestra. Each part—whether it’s your heart, lungs, or muscles—plays its role and everything works together in harmony.  When your body is in balance, you feel better, have more energy, and can enjoy life more fully. 

4. Trusting Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal

The human body is a self-healing organism.  Ever noticed how your body heals a cut without you having to think about it?  Your body is designed to repair and renew itself, whether it’s healing a wound or recovering from an illness.  Healing involves the replacement of damaged or diseased cells with new, healthy ones. 

5. Everything Is Connected 

Have you ever noticed how stress can give you a headache, or how a bad night’s sleep can make you feel off all day? That’s because everything in your body is connected. This interconnectedness means that any disruption in one part of the system can have far-reaching effects on the whole.  Your spine and nervous system play a big role in this connection, acting like a communication highway for your body. Chiropractic care helps keep this highway clear, so signals can flow freely between your brain and body, helping everything work better together. 

6. Healing Takes Time

Just like it takes time for a plant to grow or for a broken bone to heal, your body’s healing processes require time.  Chiropractic helps improve the spinal structure to maintain clear nerve communication and improve body function. 

7. Blocked Life Force

Life Force is the energy that keeps you alive and functioning. Think of it as the electricity that powers your body. When this energy flows freely, you feel healthy and full of life. But if something disrupts the flow—like stress, injury, or poor posture—you might start to feel run down or get sick. Chiropractic care helps remove these blockages, keeping the energy flowing and you feeling your best.

8. Trusting Your Body’s Innate Wisdom

Your Innate Intelligence is the ultimate healer.  You don’t have to think about making your heart beat or your stomach digest food—your body just knows what to do.  Chiropractic care respects this innate wisdom, helping to support your body’s natural processes rather than trying to override them with external interventions.

9. The Brain and Spine: Your Body’s Vital Connection

The Brain-neurospinal system is the most vital system in the body, as it serves as the primary conduit for Life Force. This system is responsible for transmitting the energy and information necessary for all bodily functions.  Spinal misalignment can interfere with these messages, leading to problems elsewhere in your body. Chiropractic care ensures that your brain and spine are communicating effectively, helping to keep you healthy from head to toe. 


Chiropractic care is grounded in a deep respect for the body’s innate wisdom and its ability to heal itself.  By understanding and applying these core principles, chiropractic practitioners aim to enhance the flow of Life Force, restore balance within the body, and support the natural processes that maintain health. Chiropractic care empowers individuals to achieve optimal well-being,  We enjoy a more alive and vibrant life. We have a greater capacity to function, adapt and heal. We live with more creativity, joy and connection to life.