The expression of intelligence through matter is a core concept of chiropractic, meaning we’re both metaphysical and physical beings.  Metaphysical means “transcending physical matter or the laws of nature; a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses; supernatural,” according to Merriam- Webster dictionary. The root of chiropractic in greek is similar to the ancient greek word kyros, which means Gods presence, Lord, supreme in authority or master in scripture.   Innate intelligence is God’s life and wisdom in us, which adapts and coordinates all life processes in the body.  

Everyday I’m amazed by God’s awesome power and intelligence in all life.  The vis medicatrix naturae (“the healing power of nature”) is inherent in all creation and in our body’s ability to heal itself.  We’re spirit and body, the unknowable in earthen vessels.   

The specific chiropractic adjustment reconnects man the physical with the spiritual, allowing life force to flow uninterrupted throughout the nervous system, and clear reception to the inner spirit.  This natural process re-establishes a state of ease and healing in the body.  

Miracles are real!  Principled chiropractors expect miracles. 

“Miracles are manifestations for which science has no definition, no analysis.”

– B. J. Palmer

The supernatural adjustment is when God takes our natural and adds his super.  I believe miracles happen in the presence of love, focus, belief and faith in chiropractic and God’s ability to heal.  In the office we pray, listen to praise and worship music, use anointing oil, speak the word, and follow the Holy Spirit when taking care of people.  The laying on of hands, praying for patients, and the anointing (presence of God) brings supernatural accelerated healing, peace, joy with signs, wonders and miracles.  



The bodies inborn ability to heal and function is miraculous when you think about it.  Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause of interference in the nervous system, allowing the body to heal naturally. This is a normal cause and effect process. The chiropractic philosophy is that health comes from above, down, inside, out (God powered life force, brain, body) and when we live clear of interference within our body, we’re fully connected to our spirit, which keeps us alive and well.

Compare this to medicine. Medicines outside> in quick fix approach to health, addresses symptoms and not the root cause. In our modern world of medical science and biotechnology, the publics view of “health care” has become synonymous with diagnosis and treatment of disease with synthetic drugs (poisons), exploratory and emergency surgeries, invasive procedures, vaccinations, therapeutics, and every new advancement to replace the natural ability of mans body to heal itself.   Medications alter body chemistry, and hormone production.  This desensitize the bodies ability to self regulate and interrupt the bodies natural healing mechanisms, creating harmful side effects, especially when multiple medicines are prescribed.  

I’m not arguing the need for medical care.  It’s critical to the world and helps save and prolong many lives. I’m happy that I have access to the best medical care in the world in case of an emergency.  I believe most medical doctors are good, smart people that chose their profession to genuinely help people.  Some doctors also suck.  Most chiropractors don’t understand what chiropractic truly is, don’t know how to adjust and operate more like physicians. I’ll write another post about this… That’s why it’s vital to find a principled chiropractor. 

Here lies the paradox. Chiropractic and medicine “admit the same principle”, that “Nature Cures,”… but “one in theory, the other in practice”- BJ Palmer.  Medicine loses sight of the “source” of healing, operating under a faulty premise.  Its sickness and disease care, not health care, and often causes more harm and death than good.  There are countless deaths and injuries from prescription overdose, surgeries, complications from drug interactions, vaccination reactions and medical malpractice.  Consider the devastating effects of people taking drugs for years which weaken the body and immune system.  Lobotomies and electric shock therapy were common practices in the 1950’s!   The medical system is insane. 

The general public idolizes the medical doctor, and values their knowledge and professional opinion as superior, while the chiropractor is often still viewed as a quack (not a real doctor).  In reality, chiropractic education includes more curriculum hours in science education than medical programs, focussing on anatomy of the nervous system, and spinal adjusting instead of pharmacology and surgery.  Medical physicians may advise against going to a chiropractor as being dangerous, or delaying chiropractic until they’ve seen a neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, doctor of osteology, physical therapist or acupuncturist.  People foolishly place their lives in someone else’s hands and don’t take responsibility for their health, often suffering needlessly and dying early in the process.   

The result is that the worlds health is upside down.  Pharmaceutical companies are drug cartels funding the media, university medical programs, hospitals, and government policies to control, and promote drug sales and reshape public opinion.  Drug companies have brainwashed Americans by direct advertising of deadly drugs (The US and New Zealand are the only countries where it’s legal).  We live in a crazy world. 

“Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live.” – B. J. Palmer (Developer of Chiropractic)

Chiropractic is simple and pure. When people get under chiropractic care after years of living in the medical world, the normal processes of natural healing are opposite to what people have been taught their entire lives and often unbelievable.  The  chiropractic lifestyle is living in tune with your body’s innate intelligence through receiving regular chiropractic care and understanding that true health comes from within.  











Biblical Creation of Man

God > Spirit > Soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions) > Body

Created by God in his image; We are spirit, have a soul, live in a body.  Genesis 1:27; I Thessalonians 5:23

Chiropractic Explanation of Life Intelligence in Man

Universal Intelligence > Innate Intelligence > Educated Brain > Mental Impulse through Spine and Body.

Here’s my thoughts on chiropractic philosophy, science, and art, based on biblical principals.  God created all life, formed man in his image, and designed him with intelligent wisdom. We are connected to God through a vital life force (our spirit) which expresses life and consciousness in us. We have Gods power flowing on the inside of us, creating and keeping us alive. Our inborn intelligence coordinates and adapts every function in us, through the brain and nervous system maintaining all life processes in the body. 

The spine is of vital importance to all life functions in the body.  It protects the spinal cord and nerves, the connection of the brain to the body. Chiropractors adjust the spine to remove interferences to the nerves carrying mental impulses throughout the body, restoring life and health.  Innate expression is freed through the adjustment of vertebral subluxations. Limitations of matter (age, state of health, lifestyle factors) determine the degree of success chiropractic adjustments will have on each individualistic human body.   

We are spirit and soul/ body. The spirit is all knowing and independent of the mind.  The educated brain learns by logic and reasoning to acquire information, powered by innate intelligence. Both innate and educated mind are vital to life, however the educated mind can interference with innate intelligence. Our free will allows us to choose how to live; out of our spirit (innate) or soul (mind, will, and emotional) realm. Relying too much on our educated brains or denying the presence of the spiritual in us will block our access to the supernatural and divine inspiration.  

The mind creates the world you live in.  Renewing the mind daily to Gods word and prayer allows one to tune into the spirit. Innate intelligence is God’s life and wisdom in us.  Living connected to your spirit will allow greater access to Gods infinite intelligence, creativity and guidance.

Creation of Adam by Michelangelo