Move It or Lose it 

I Like to Move It- Reel to Real ft the Mad Stuntman



You’re either growing or declining. Anything you try to maintain will decrease over time. Whatever we don’t use, is lost. 

Motion is life. The brain and body rely on movement to stimulate and enhance nerve communication pathways. This ensures cognitive health and body function.  Muscle weaknesses occur through lack of use.  Wolf’s law states that bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading exerted on them.  Skeletal muscles are strengthened when resistant forces are applied to them, and weaken due to inactivity.  We must move and be physically active or the body breaks down. 

Ligamentus Creep is defined as the progressive deformation of a structure under constant load. 

Think a rubber band. If you repeatedly or consistently pull, stretch, or hold the rubber band to stress it, it begins to lose its original elasticity, causing it to be more lax or even break.

Long term sitting has negative structural and physiological consequences. 

In the sitting position, your hip flexors (psoas, iliacus, and rectus femoris) are in a shortened state. As creep sets in your body adapts to having shortened hip flexors, limit ing your ability to reach full hip extension, causing joint tension, pain and affecting movement. After about 30-45 minutes of being sedentary, the soft tissues of the body begin to stiffen, cause pain, muscle imbalances and are more prone to injury. 

Ligament creep commonly occurs because of forward head posture from hours of computer work, playing on mobile devices or texting. Keeping the head and neck in this position stretches the neck ligaments beyond the point they should be stretched while stabilizing the head. 

The effects of creep deactivate the spinal stabilization system (activation of muscles in your trunk), and you lose the ability to stabilize your spine.  This causes back pain and puts increases risk for injuries.

Killer Effects of Sitting 

Over a lifetime, the effects of sitting add up. Alpa Patel, an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, tracked the health of 123,000 Americans between 1992 and 2006. The men in the study who spent six hours or more per day of their leisure time sitting had an overall death rate that was about 20 percent higher than the men who sat for three hours or less. 

Do This Everyday- Move. Be Active. Stretch. Walk

Get up and move every 20 minutes. Avoid long periods of time sitting at work/ school.  

Most people today live sedentary lives.  In our technologic world, we need to consciously move daily.  If you’re feeling the effects of inactivity, it’s important to have your spine checked. Schedule a complimentary consult today to get your spinal evaluation and see how we can help you start living better. 










Sciatica sucks. It’s very painful. Trust me. I’ve experienced it. 

This post is to help anyone who’s dealing with sciatica and give you a better understanding of what it is, how to help you heal and prevent it.  The recuperation process isn’t pleasant, but it’s doable and you can fully heal from it without resorting to drugs and surgery.   

What is Sciatica? 

Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve, the body’s largest, radiating into the legs, buttocks and lower back. It is caused by compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, commonly from bulging/ herniated discs, nerve irritation, spinal stenosis, and/or spasm of the piriformis muscle putting pressure on part of the nerve.  

It’s actually a bundle of nerves that come from five nerve roots branching off from your spinal cord. The most common causes of sciatica don’t involve direct injury to a sciatic nerve itself, but rather to the nerves higher in the spine that join to form the sciatic nerve.


Sciatica pain can be almost anywhere along the nerve pathway.  Pain, inflammation, muscle weakness and numbness in the affected side often follows a path from the low back to the buttock and the back of a thigh, calf and foot. This compression can lead to sharp, shooting, burning pain, tingling sensations, and numbness in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. 

Common Causes

  • Current or previous injury
  • Normal wear-and-tear
  • Excess weight or obesity can lead to back strains, pain and other issues.
  • Having insufficient core strength- muscles of your back and abdomen (help anchor your back muscles)
  • Your job. Jobs that require heavy lifting, a lot of bending, or working in awkward or unusual positions. 
  • Not using good posture and form during weight lifting, strength training activities.
  • Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes increases your risk of diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy, damaging  nerves that can cause sciatica.
  • Physical inactivity. Sitting for long periods and a lack of physical activity 

What to do. Healing and Prevention

Time, movement and rest are essential.  Milder cases of sciatica generally go away on their own with time and self-treatment.  It may take up to 6 weeks to heal.  In the recuperation following initial injury, it’s important to help strengthen the body against re-occuring injury. 

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a holistic and drug-free approach that focuses on restoring the body’s natural alignment to alleviate pain and promote healing. It’s important to understand that while we’re addressing sciatica, chiropractic doesn’t diagnose, treat or heal anything and isn’t a get out of pain quick fix solution. 

Adjustments remove interference in the nervous system so the body can properly coordinate all functions of the body, adapt, and heal.  Gentle adjustments realign the vertebrae, allowing the spine to come into proper alignment, reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve, helping improve nerve function, reduce inflammation, providing relief from sciatic pain.  

Additional Elements of Chiropractic Care

Decompression Therapy: Helps to stretch the spine gently. This technique helps create space between vertebrae, allowing herniated discs to retract and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Myofascial trigger point release can reduce muscle tension and inflammation around the affected area, providing pain relief and improving flexibility.

Exercise and Rehabilitation: Specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and improve posture. Regular exercises can prevent future sciatica episodes and enhance overall spinal structure.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Advice on ergonomics, posture, and lifestyle modifications to minimize the risk of sciatica recurrence and promote better spinal health.

Stretching and Movement Exercises for Sciatica 

Cat cow, Knee to chest, Mckenzie exercises, Nerve flossing, Waking high knees 

Foundation training exercises- check YouTube channel

Maintain good posture while you’re sitting, standing, lifting objects and sleeping.

Stay physically active. maintain a weight that’s healthy for you. Strength training, aerobic exercise, increasing core strength and flexibility are fundamental to healthy movement. Swimming

        Nerve Flossing

Ice affected area for 20 min intervals several times per day to help to reduce swelling and pain.

If you’re suffering from sciatica, chiropractic care can help you regain your mobility and comfort. Through gentle adjustments, decompression therapy, and strengthening exercises, chiropractors can effectively address the underlying issues contributing to sciatic nerve compression. Embracing a holistic approach to healing, chiropractic care empowers individuals to naturally recover and prevent injuries, and live a healthy, active lifestyle.


10 Keys For A Healthy Fulfilled Life 

Assess your life and see where you could improve and redesign your priorities in these aspects of your life.  Develop a plan, schedule time and focus on implementing these fundamentals to succeed in every area of your life.  

Spend time with God 

Praise, worship, spend time in nature in silence and listen, pray daily 

Renew your mind 

Read the Bible, listen to anointed preaching and teaching, read great books, study, write

Get chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic wellness care for you and your family is essential. Learn the importance of taking care of your spine and nervous system, and other essential elements of your health in a principled chiropractic office.  Share this essential knowledge with others. 

Eat well

Eat food from good sources, mostly greens, fruit, high quality organic grass fed meat, wild fish, stay away from processed, artificial foods and sugars. Invest in premium nutritional supplements. 


Exercise 30 minutes per day, including high intensity interval training (hiit), weight lifting, core exercises, walks, stretching, swimming, sports, and focussed breathing. 

Speak Life 

Words create worlds. Pay attention to what you’re saying. Speak in faith for what your’ believing for, including healing, provision, and dreams.  Stay strong, positive, and joyful. 


Giving with a glad heart is fundamental to a prosperous joyful life and comes back to bless you.  Express gratitude, help serve others, give gifts, smiles, give tithes and offerings, and do everything in love.


Work hard and do what you’re passionate about to contribute to better the world.  


6- 8 hours/ day of restful sleep.  I suggest going to sleep early and waking up early  for a productive day. 


Spend time doing what you love doing, invest in relationships that help you grow, spend quality time with your spouse and family, travel, try new foods, laugh. You get one life so make it great.